Xbox Live $10 Code Giveaway!

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@gringo when are you coming home from russia? And can you pick me up some vodka please ?
not many posts left we can obviously end this in about 10 mins max
@gringo how is it over there? i'm too poor to travel.
Yes sir, I'd like to say thanks in advance for the giveaway @savage
@gringo my GT is Grassin, what games do you plaY?
@feel how much do you get an eighth of top shelf for?
@feel not home, besides i only have MW2.

@gringo oh okay cool, same here.
This will be the winning number, bet.
@julian When I usually buy, which isn't very often, I can get it for $25-30

Fuck I wasn't 200th damn post...........
@feel oh okay cool, wait where are you from?
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