Xbox Live Enforcement Team | Ways to Contact!


Active Member
Hey guys, this is some info to contact the Xbox Live Enforcement team, can be helpful.


Phone Number for Managers: (425)882-8080
Names: Borris Erickson, Andreas Holbrook, or Jason Coon

Phone Number for Agents: (425)954-5113
How did you get there number?
How did you acquire these numbers?
Is this confirmed?

If it is, thanks in advance!
Well it was leaked on YouTube not to long ago and the guy recorded him calling them if I recall correctly.

If you want you guys can confirm by calling them.
Prepare said:
You can swap a banned tag by calling them?
Not 100% guaranteed but you can call and try to SE them into swapping it.

Example. Tell them your account was hacked and all you want is the tag because its special to you.

You gotta be extremely good at social engineering I assume.
I confirm this. It was leaked on YouTube and Minnesota Burns called them
Kasteen said:
Holy shit anyone wanna swap my tag for me? Il pay u?
I can try, I am pretty good at SE, let me know tomorrow bro and I'll try for you.
Lol you kids are to gullible lmfao smh
Oh em gee. Major Nelson is in here. Guise stop!
Highten said:
Nah, we just want to piss off the enforcement team.
Where is the youtube video? An this dont work so why even post it?
Phobia? This was the # on lollip0p's Amazon lol, it's a PR #, nothing special.

I have her mobile # doe.
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