You know how sometimes when you go to tag switch oG's they glitch out? I asked xbox about it and they said that the system is designed to do that because it thinks that when somebody does this it has something to do with their account being hacked. I have had this happen with a few oG's but never any shit tags, so my theory is that xbox does something like turboing and they take your tag because everyone at xbox wants oG's, what do you think they did with all the one letters? they jacked them for themselves.
Just a theory though.
Also what I mean by glitched tag is where you send it a friend request but it says it doesn't exist but if you go to take it, it says it's already taken...
Somehow my 3 char Tag got reset today after I mentioned it to MS and somebody just so happen to snatch it, wtf is that?
I will do a big topic or artical on this soon.
I've been told so much different lies about this subject. I have no idea where they get their info.