Xbox Live Glitched Tag theory?


Active Member
You know how sometimes when you go to tag switch oG's they glitch out? I asked xbox about it and they said that the system is designed to do that because it thinks that when somebody does this it has something to do with their account being hacked. I have had this happen with a few oG's but never any shit tags, so my theory is that xbox does something like turboing and they take your tag because everyone at xbox wants oG's, what do you think they did with all the one letters? they jacked them for themselves.

Just a theory though.

Also what I mean by glitched tag is where you send it a friend request but it says it doesn't exist but if you go to take it, it says it's already taken...

Somehow my 3 char Tag got reset today after I mentioned it to MS and somebody just so happen to snatch it, wtf is that?

I will do a big topic or artical on this soon.
I've been told so much different lies about this subject. I have no idea where they get their info.
That is very interesting bro. Damn I never thought about that. But in their ToS they state that they can control any account/gamertag. So them jacking is legal from their end. Which is gay as fuck because they can just take your tag or what not
Sorry but it has nothing to do with employees. If they want something they will just delete it and claim it.

As for 1 letters they never "jacked" them. They were made JUST for the launch team of the Xbox. It has happened many many times where employees just reset tags but they aren't desperate enough to do this.
Sammy Adams said:
That is very interesting bro. Damn I never thought about that. But in their ToS they state that they can control any account/gamertag. So them jacking is legal from their end. Which is gay as fuck because they can just take your tag or what not

I asked an employee if they were allowed and he said no...
The xbox support doesn't know shit. You'd have better luck asking people here. I can assure you this is incoreect though.
It means it's been banned or someone tried swapping their tag to another email and it screwed up in the process. Happened to me once..
Pride said:
It means it's been banned or someone tried swapping their tag to another email and it screwed up in the process. Happened to me once..

Well actually it just so happens less than 2 days after I contacted them about the tag it got recycled and now some fucking f*g has it.
O F said:
Well actually it just so happens less than 2 days after I contacted them about the tag it got recycled and now some fucking f*g has it.

....or he turbo'ed it spaced out, waited a few days and swapped it back unspaced.
O F said:
There was never a spaced version of the tag. Its unspaced.

yeah so when you swapped he could have turboed it spaced out so when you try and look for it you can't find it, and then swapped back to normal.
Also another thing to add after @Plague, when you send it a friend request and it says it doesn't exist it means the tag's been deleted or when it's searched via it doesn't exist but you can't make it.
Myth said:
yeah so when you swapped he could have turboed it spaced out so when you try and look for it you can't find it, and then swapped back to normal.

Wow, that really sucks
What a dick
yeah i have thought of the same thing, microsoft is full of a bunch of monkies
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