Xbox One Shop - $80 Per Console - Kinect - $35 - Order Done Same hour :D


Onyx user!
Hey guys, I just got a new method to do Xbox One Consoles. I am doing them right now at $80 Per console, console only.

I now do kinects as well, for $35.


PM me here, or post here.

Add my skype: iamintense

Will go first to one user, once they get confirmation of shipping they pay.

FORM TO ORDER: (Fill out and send to me via PM):

Hotmail email: (If you don't have one, make an account, and add all your info)
Hotmail Password:
Address to Ship To:
(Street address
City, State, Zip)

FK profile link:
PayPal Email:
Skype Name:
RE: Xbox One Shop - $70 Per Console - Order Done Same hour

Are you from the United States?
RE: Xbox One Shop - $70 Per Console - Order Done Same hour

Sector said:
Are you from the United States?

Yes I am, and currently only do US orders.
RE: Xbox One Shop - $70 Per Console - Order Done Same hour

Juicy said:
Yes I am, and currently only do US orders.
I'm just confused as to why the order says it was placed on the 7th, when it is still the 6th throughout the entire United States.
RE: Xbox One Shop - $70 Per Console - Order Done Same hour

Are these shipped directly from Microsoft to us, or are you shipping them to yourself and you are re-shipping?
RE: Xbox One Shop - $70 Per Console - Order Done Same hour

Sector said:
I'm just confused as to why the order says it was placed on the 7th, when it is still the 6th throughout the entire United States.

No idea honestly, I can teamviewer you and show you though?
RE: Xbox One Shop - $70 Per Console - Order Done Same hour

Juicy said:
No idea honestly, I can teamviewer you and show you though?
That's fine. I'm just confused. Are you able to order these to your home and then forward them to our addresses?
RE: Xbox One Shop - $70 Per Console - Order Done Same hour

Shift said:
I don't think you have a new method since the AE option has been patched.

I have a way around that buddy.
If I didn't it wouldn't let me place the order.
RE: Xbox One Shop - $70 Per Console - Order Done Same hour

Get back to me about the offer, please. Thanks.
RE: Xbox One Shop - $70 Per Console - Order Done Same hour

Terror Squad said:
Are these shipped directly from Microsoft to us, or are you shipping them to yourself and you are re-shipping?

That is a really good question. Id love an answer to this.
RE: Xbox One Shop - $70 Per Console - Order Done Same hour

They are shipped directly from Xbox. Everyone I send to my address is sold locally
RE: Xbox One Shop - $70 Per Console - Order Done Same hour

User went first, I'll pay upon tracking how ever he did my order within 15 mins of talking to him

Thank you @Juicy
RE: Xbox One Shop - $70 Per Console - Order Done Same hour

I will DEFIANTLY hit you up soon.
I'm really interested.
RE: Xbox One Shop - $70 Per Console - Order Done Same hour

Are you able to ship outside of the USA with this service?
RE: Xbox One Shop - $70 Per Console - Order Done Same hour

Astro said:
Are you able to ship outside of the USA with this service?

Pretty sure its USA only how ever i can offer a reship service as long as u covet shipping an some money for me to profit.
RE: Xbox One Shop - $70 Per Console - Order Done Same hour

Do you accept pay pal? If so I will buy one.
RE: Xbox One Shop - $70 Per Console - Order Done Same hour

I have the same question as the poster above. If so, please PM me. I'd like one of these.
RE: Xbox One Shop - $70 Per Console - Order Done Same hour

Looking to purchase one. Have added you on skype
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