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QU33R said:
They are gonna earn a fuck ton of money from gamertag changes. Shit.
That's probably why MS is doing this in the first place. They're in need of mula loool.
There's always going to be this one idiot who cops a nice tag and sells it publicly. Then Microsoft gets pissed off and stops the reset.

Fck you whoever tries to sell them, instantly or publicly
This is mental because checkers and turboers won't work..

Anyone know about Banned tags yet?
Don't start your turboers. The tags will get banned if you claim with a turbo just like they have been getting banned
Yo! I already found a tag they reset! They have already reset "Boss." How do I know this? Because when you search up the gamertag Boss, it directs you to a profile with a default name "LazyKitten74507." So if my theory is correct, then you must follow the same directions to check if the gamertag you want is taken or not. If it directs you to a default name then it most likely got reset already. And even if these gamer tags already got reset you can't change them until the 18th. Remember, this is just an observation. What I've said is not to be depended on.

ive found about 10 insane tags that do this.
Zac. said:
Dont bully me. How do you know if a tag hasnt logged onto 360?

Add the account on the 360 or one and if they have the original xbox gamer pic, gold but no tenure, 0 star rep and 0 gamerscore it means they have never logged onto an xbox 360!
Atleast they made it so you have to claim it on a gold tenure. I'm stacking up rn
Mount said:
Where have you all been hiding, jeez

This is the most activity i have seen in a while.

Adamant said:
I don't understand what people mean when they say you need an account with a one year tenure or more? Can you explain please?

Your account needs to have a tenure. A tenure is how many years the account has had a gold membership.
ATTENTION: idk if it's just me but can someone go to the change gamertag page on and check if they can change their gamertag for free? Because it lets me change it for free. It's fucking Christmas in May.
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