hi everyone. recently i have noticed a lot of users are in need of a father figure in their life. well lucky for you, i'm the dad! introducing, yddaD's Father Services. see below for prices!
7 days- $20
1 month- $40
3 months- $60
6 months- $100
1 year- $175
services include:
rides to school
packed lunches
kisses on the forehead
being tucked in at night
beating your mother senseless (optional)
and anything in between!
paypal only of course.
@Beam or @Early will be middlemanning, lmk guys!
EDIT: With an extra $5 to every order, @Cred comes along as a mother figure. Hit us up!
EXTRA OFFER INSANE DEAL: Along with @Cred and I as the mother and father figures, you get @Zeus for an extra $666 nigerian currency to be your grandfather as well. it is called the family wombo combo deal. DANK OFFER HMU QUICK BEFORE STOCK RUNS OUT GUYS
7 days- $20
1 month- $40
3 months- $60
6 months- $100
1 year- $175
services include:
rides to school
packed lunches
kisses on the forehead
being tucked in at night
beating your mother senseless (optional)
and anything in between!
paypal only of course.
@Beam or @Early will be middlemanning, lmk guys!
EDIT: With an extra $5 to every order, @Cred comes along as a mother figure. Hit us up!
EXTRA OFFER INSANE DEAL: Along with @Cred and I as the mother and father figures, you get @Zeus for an extra $666 nigerian currency to be your grandfather as well. it is called the family wombo combo deal. DANK OFFER HMU QUICK BEFORE STOCK RUNS OUT GUYS