yddaD's Father Services


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hi everyone. recently i have noticed a lot of users are in need of a father figure in their life. well lucky for you, i'm the dad! introducing, yddaD's Father Services. see below for prices!

7 days- $20
1 month- $40
3 months- $60
6 months- $100
1 year- $175

services include:
rides to school
packed lunches
kisses on the forehead
being tucked in at night
beating your mother senseless (optional)
and anything in between!

paypal only of course.

@Beam or @Early will be middlemanning, lmk guys!

EDIT: With an extra $5 to every order, @Cred comes along as a mother figure. Hit us up!

EXTRA OFFER INSANE DEAL: Along with @Cred and I as the mother and father figures, you get @Zeus for an extra $666 nigerian currency to be your grandfather as well. it is called the family wombo combo deal. DANK OFFER HMU QUICK BEFORE STOCK RUNS OUT GUYS
Couch user is a great mother to me.
Vouch, he gave me a trial & really put put me in the right direction of being a father. Sitting on your ass all day, watching a baseball game and popping a beer. Fucking couch potato.
Vouch for my new father, he truly is there for me.
Vouch for this service, true father experience. He went to the store for some cigarettes.
my father is dead.....
your not my dad ugly ass noodlehead
Dude! we should totally group up!! for an extra $5 on any order, you'll get me as a mother figure!!!
Cred said:
Dude! we should totally group up!! for an extra $5 on any order, you'll get me as a mother figure!!!
absolutely man. i'll update the thread ASAP.
This was fucking hilarious. Can i get a vouch copy?

Vouch, deal went smooth with MM . We played catch for a good 15 minutes, excellent service!
Can I get the beating your mother senseless package only?
Amp said:
Can I get the beating your mother senseless package only?
absolutely man. it's on me, son. free of charge boss

Agony said:
Over the years, my father was simply never there for me. With @dad 's service, I feel as though I am somebody special. I feel like there's hope in the world for me. Thank you dad, for being there for me, for being the father I never had.
thank you for the vouch bb bumping this to the top to help anyone in need of a dad.
dad said:
absolutely man. it's on me, son. free of charge boss

thank you for the vouch bb bumping this to the top to help anyone in need of a dad.

Damn, I really owe you one.

For an extra $666 you can get me as your grandfather.
Zeus said:
For an extra $666 you can get me as your grandfather.
would you like to be added to the thread officially with a grandfather wombo combo deal? lmk asap
dad said:
would you like to be added to the thread officially with a grandfather wombo combo deal? lmk asap

Yus, please Let me know of any sale is made
Zeus said:
Yus, please Let me know of any sale is made
absolutely man. updating thread currently
I do these services for free so suck my dick
Azazel said:
I do these services for free so suck my dick
i will not do this for free. you must pay for at least a 7day package first.
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