I suspended it 4 times in 2 months bro, I don't care anymore, it's a waste of time.
#Sinister said:
I suspended it 4 times in 2 months bro, I don't care anymore, it's a waste of time.

dog its been suspended since november i havent tried to get it unsuspended and the firt time i did they gave it back i just swapped lmao ur a fucking joke
Teen said:
dog its been suspended since november i havent tried to get it unsuspended and the firt time i did they gave it back i just swapped lmao ur a fucking joke

It was unsuspended yesterday ask @Hercules and @TrapLord$ they both told me and then i suspended it, even had an AOL status about it.

But alright, you're saying shit over the internet in which i do not care about. Grow up buddy.

Continue saying names and such because in reality i don't mind. Carry on ^__^

gobeee, Jan 30 04:54 PM:

Your account was permanently suspended due to multiple or repeat violations of the Twitter Rules:

This account will not be restored.



Twitter Support

lmfao and i still got it unsuspended

Yeah when I unsuspend twitters, they say that the first time or whenever someone tries to. My methods work about 80 - 90 % only failed once, but good job. props to yah
Screw you and your cool twitter. Kicked me out of my home... Now I have to find somebody else to stay with.
TheHackerHD said:
Screw you and your cool twitter. Kicked me out of my home... Now I have to find somebody else to stay with.

not badass enuf for u remembre
Teen said:
not badass enuf for u remembre

Buhhh!!! it wasn't anything personal.. I'm just tryna make my money back. I needed to make it super hard to get. :'(
TheHackerHD said:
Buhhh!!! it wasn't anything personal.. I'm just tryna make my money back. I needed to make it super hard to get. :'(

o welllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
Teen said:
o welllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll

I'm sawwwyyy BB... what if.. what if.. I give you what you want? Can I come back home? .-.
TheHackerHD said:
I'm sawwwyyy BB... what if.. what if.. I give you what you want? Can I come back home? .-.

maybe well see

Teen said:
maybe well see


Come onnnn gimmeee one lastt chance??????? I can change!!!! :O
#Sinister said:
Yeah when I unsuspend twitters, they say that the first time or whenever someone tries to. My methods work about 80 - 90 % only failed once, but good job. props to yah

I vouch for what Josh said. He's not bullshitting.
Hercules said:
I vouch for what Josh said. He's not bullshitting.

michael gtfo away from me you claim to be able to jack YT's you can't lol bye
Teen said:
michael gtfo away from me you claim to be able to jack YT's you can't lol bye

I've never claimed to be able to. But I can. And you must be behind, I'm done with YouTube.
Hercules said:
I've never claimed to be able to. But I can. And you must be behind, I'm done with YouTube.

yeah you have, and you can't, and obviously cause you can't.
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