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Power member.
So, I'll make you guys a deal. Get Philly, ONLY Philly, Not cann!bal, Gr33d, Poe, Mclovin, Justice, or Christy, to reply to this thread, and close it, and I'll give you $10 PP
Fuck the Sythe members, I think they should all just get IP banned. If anyone is with me reply below.
Reptar said:
Fuck the Sythe members, I think they should all just get IP banned. If anyone is with me reply below.

you're fgt please off yourself

Reptar said:
Fuck the Sythe members, I think they should all just get IP banned. If anyone is with me reply below.


The message is too short. Please enter a message longer than 25 characters.
Heads said:

The message is too short. Please enter a message longer than 25 characters.


Heads, can/will you pardon or be unbanned?
OMG. these sythe kids just run around trashing sales and shit
Jamil said:
OMG. these sythe kids just run around trashing sales and shit

Lol @ "trashing sales". Proof or GTFO. We stick around the spamming and trolling section .
Heads said:
My ban expires on the 31st of December.

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