Your best/favorite GT you've owned?


I was bored and lurking through my documents and what not, found a video of me on my favorite gamertag back in the day when I was trying to sell it on HF (Long before I came to FK) Before it got deleted due to vulgar. The gamer tag 'H o' video got deleted some reason...

Video (Watch in 720p Shitty quality): [video=youtube][/video]

Just wondering what was your favorite and or best gamertag you've owned? Or currently still own it.
"Y G" was my favorite, too bad I done goof'd
i cant choose 1, but my favorite 3-


( i had many more), H Q, stripper, stranger, (many more ) but i love those 3.
Loyal said:
i cant choose 1, but my favorite 3-


( i had many more), H Q, stripper, stranger, (many more ) but i love those 3.

Yeh I remember playing with you when I had "L d"

Cole said:
"Y G" was my favorite, too bad I done goof'd

Also remember talking to someone on Y G when I had L d, don't think it was you though.

The one I have now is my favorite.
To bad I can't say it because of the amount of fags on this site.
Never really had a tag i actually enjoyed tbh, the one i liked the most is Semicolon though.
I like my tag so much that I've kept it even after I've sold my Xbox. Too bad it's not really "oG"
I'm a noob at all this gt shit. I love my current gt "y L." I'm going to swap it J/K
I had the gamertag " Remote " then I logged on 1 day and BAM! it was gone.
I really like the GTs Fault, imply, Wrestle, Maximum, and I F that I have right now.
Jolly Ranchers
Traded it for a random 3 character like in

2009 like a retard
I'm going to go with my current one which is Catholic. It was my dream tag for a while, since it's my religion and I've always liked the way it looked.
I've had quite a few good tags.
Favorite ones would be
- Builder
- Trillion
To bad one got turboed and one got taken back
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