Your favorite?


What is your favorite/most used iPhone/iPod Touch app? Mine is probably Twitter, i usually just go on there and check what everyone is up to then log of. So what about you?
I go to facebook! Isn't it amazing too see similarities in me and you! after all we are not talking about games here. and my another favotite is to call my gal!!!!!:Laugh:
i dont have an ipod but i still know its the best app/game
i have angry birds on my PS3
I'm using Safari but if i cant choose the already installed apps i would choose photoshop Express when i'm editing my photos. When i'm out with my iPad.

- kerex132
theconley said:
What is your favorite/most used iPhone/iPod Touch app? Mine is probably Twitter, i usually just go on there and check what everyone is up to then log of. So what about you?

i love most iPOD touch
i feel great when im using it !

jerry21 said:
i dont have an ipod but i still know its the best app/game
i have angry birds on my PS3

how ANGRY birds work ?? i always hear about that game ?!
isnt it exciting ??
theconley said:
What is your favorite/most used iPhone/iPod Touch app? Mine is probably Twitter, i usually just go on there and check what everyone is up to then log of. So what about you?

on my iphone angry birds ^^
theconley said:
What is your favorite/most used iPhone/iPod Touch app? Mine is probably Twitter, i usually just go on there and check what everyone is up to then log of. So what about you?

facebook...GOOGLE xD
I am not an iphone but an android user. The app that I visit most is facebook and twitter. It's so convenient
i use to play angry birds and use facebook in my i phone 4 it is having the amazing feature as compare to any phone and i m waiting for i phone5
theconley said:
What is your favorite/most used iPhone/iPod Touch app? Mine is probably Twitter, i usually just go on there and check what everyone is up to then log of. So what about you?

i go for facebook
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