Your Record Suicide Times!


Onyx user!
Hey there everyone, I thought it would be fun to share how long you have botted without stopping.

I know some people only bot a max of 8 hours a day, but I'm a careless botter and I go until the bot cant take anymore!

My personal best:
Well, mine is 4 days botting at chickens on a vps. Didn't take a screenshot.
2 days 8 hours fishing 1-75 currently in the moment of suicide botting mining for a week. fk the ban lol
My goal has always been to get 7 days non stop. That'd be awesome.
I found my pic. Ill upload it in a second.
I can't get really long ones because of updates. My bot screws up and I've gotta restart again.
the_lol said:
I can't get really long ones because of updates. My bot screws up and I've gotta restart again.

yeh -.- happened to me i rage quit my auto fighter. 2 days and it needed an update lol
Mine are usually like 7 hours then the bot stops, which is fine with me because otherwise I would never take any breaks. Lol.
I have a 16 hour proggy, that's the most i'll ever do

I suicide on my 138 lol.

Ive gone two days running nats on him
Its where you bot that decides if you're going to get banned or not IMO.
Ive bot up to around 4 days mining essence.
Currently going for 7 days.
Well, mine is 4 days botting at chickens on a vps. Didn't take a screenshot.

What VPS do you use? The VPS I used last month fails.
I got 31 hours on a free mining bot , and didn't even get banned or rolled? gf jagex?
Im happy to see im not the only Suicide botter on the forums lol
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