You're banned

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RE: Your banned.

Banned for having a wierd signature.
RE: Your banned.

Banned for being Top Poster Today+Weekly+Monthly+Overall XD
RE: Your banned.

Banned for having 90 post and no reps =(.
RE: Your banned.

I know whats up with that. Your banned for having more rep than a staff member.. I have helpful post but whos know why none of you pick me!

Lets see how many rep points I get off this one.

Your banned for having more Rep than a staff member.
RE: Your banned.

Banned for stickying this thread.

RE: Your banned.

Banned for using your laptop/PC in a fire. Dial 911 dumbass =P.
RE: Your banned.

Banned for hailing George.

Should have hailed me instead ^^.
RE: Your banned.

Banned for calling your self 1337ness when your actually just l4m3.

EDIT - Just kidding =P.
RE: Your banned.

Banned because Stewie is awesome (Y).
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