You're banned

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RE: Your banned.

Your banned for not having signature = P Cool
RE: Your banned.

Your banned because I have it now
You also have good amount. Can you cashout?
RE: Your banned.

Your NOT banned then
You are demoted to enjoy cashouts xD
RE: Your banned.

Your banned for having only 1 color .
RE: Your banned.

Your banned for getting 65 pages in your topic
RE: Your banned.

Your banned because the note on page 1 by Cooper has been expired.
Sh*t, than I'm banned myself too. Sad face.
RE: Your banned.

Your banned for not helping me out in jailbreaking new ipod touch camera version
RE: Your banned.

your banned because [insert random comment about Justin Bieber].
RE: Your banned.

Your banned for having less TDZ Cash. Cmon....
RE: Your banned.

Your banned for not knowing minimum is 1 $
If not then correct me please.
RE: Your banned.

Your banned for not making new topics .
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