YT Background?


If your a pro or semi-pro GFX artist please contact me via Skype@BavnHD

I am looking for a YT background with a matching YT Avatar. Ill donate 3.50$.
I can do this for you, but it's going to be more then $3.50..
Ill do it for 3.50$ as I have nothing to do atm.
Just added you on skype.
Okay, so i added this dude on skype, and as soon as i said what the payment is going to be, he blocked me.
Watch out when dealing with him.
Whistle said:
Okay, so i added this dude on skype, and as soon as i said what the payment is going to be, he blocked me.
Watch out when dealing with him.

Ooops, I read it wrong I thought OP said that haha.