Looking to sell these tags, letting them go for fairly cheap as I'm mostly trying to get rid of them.
Payments will be made as Paypal Gift, +4% (amount x 1.04), or trades for Runescape names/07RSGP.
I will not be going first unless you are a trusted member or a MM is provided.
My vouch thread can be found here.
You can contact my Skype at "haterade." or PM me on here.
Retund $10 SOLD -
To blunt; to turn, as an edge; figuratively, to cause to be obtuse or dull; as, to retund confidence
D*R 50s -
New sniper as of Black Ops II
Merr*ness -
Laughingly happy; mirthful; festively joyous; hilarious
Equ*nil -
A brand of meprobamate
B*ckered -
To engage in petulant or peevish argument; wrangle
Sc*bbing -
Become encrusted or covered with a scab or scabs
Proof will be up soon
Sn*rkelers -
A hard rubber or plastic tube through which a swimmer can breathe while moving face down
WH*NE ( I = L ) $20 SOLD -
To snivel or complain in a peevish, self-pitying way
P*cassos -
Spanish painter and sculptor in France (In this case, the tag is pretty much the plural form of his work)
Unp*st $30 SOLD -
Not posted; unsent, unmailed; Not assigned to a military post
B*ssists -
A person who plays a double bass or bass guitar
Due*lists $20 SOLD -
A person who fights duels
CH*LDlSH (I's = L's) -
Silly and immature
Urrb $7 SOLD -
Marijuana (incorrect spelling)
Plainti*fs -
A person who brings a case against another in a court of law
lVl*n -
An adult human male (plural)
Y9Z (Offer) SOLD
Proof will be up soon. Until then, just ask for a F/R.
V*H (Offer)
Proof will be up soon. Until then, just ask for a F/R.
No longer for sale, due to the fact that I decided to keep this tag for myself.
That is, unless the price is right
T*e DSR -
The DSR from Black Ops II
Will show proof if interested
L*cas Vercetti $30 SOLD -
Whiteboy Odd Future associate
Will show proof if interested
P*9oM1 -
MW3 Super soaker
Will show proof if interested
Payments will be made as Paypal Gift, +4% (amount x 1.04), or trades for Runescape names/07RSGP.
I will not be going first unless you are a trusted member or a MM is provided.
My vouch thread can be found here.
You can contact my Skype at "haterade." or PM me on here.
To blunt; to turn, as an edge; figuratively, to cause to be obtuse or dull; as, to retund confidence
D*R 50s -
New sniper as of Black Ops II
Merr*ness -
Laughingly happy; mirthful; festively joyous; hilarious
Equ*nil -
A brand of meprobamate
B*ckered -
To engage in petulant or peevish argument; wrangle
Sc*bbing -
Become encrusted or covered with a scab or scabs
Proof will be up soon
Sn*rkelers -
A hard rubber or plastic tube through which a swimmer can breathe while moving face down
To snivel or complain in a peevish, self-pitying way
P*cassos -
Spanish painter and sculptor in France (In this case, the tag is pretty much the plural form of his work)
Not posted; unsent, unmailed; Not assigned to a military post
B*ssists -
A person who plays a double bass or bass guitar
A person who fights duels
CH*LDlSH (I's = L's) -
Silly and immature
Marijuana (incorrect spelling)
Plainti*fs -
A person who brings a case against another in a court of law
lVl*n -
An adult human male (plural)
Proof will be up soon. Until then, just ask for a F/R.
Proof will be up soon. Until then, just ask for a F/R.
No longer for sale, due to the fact that I decided to keep this tag for myself.
That is, unless the price is right
T*e DSR -
The DSR from Black Ops II
Will show proof if interested
Whiteboy Odd Future associate
Will show proof if interested
P*9oM1 -
MW3 Super soaker
Will show proof if interested