Zombies tags updated!

RE: Two Zombies tags cheap!

Maximum pm me the tags and prices babe
OP has been updated with a main that I've built myself. PM or post any questions you have concerning the accounts and I will get back to you as soon as I can.
What are bo2 stats on the main? I ciuld care less about the tag its self.
Game modes / Spm:
Gold / diamond guns:
Win / loss:
Slacker said:
What are bo2 stats on the main? I ciuld care less about the tag its self.
Game modes / Spm:
Gold / diamond guns:
Win / loss:

Kd: 1.44
Game modes / Spm: Domination mainly.
Gold / diamond guns: ARs, Shotguns, SMGs, Specials, and almost snipers
Win / loss: 0.53
Looks like some nice tags.
I might contact you about one.
Mind Pming me tags my be interested in buying
Can you pm me the tags? I might be interested.