Any know the name of this filter ?


Onyx user!
I have been wondering for enternity what the name of this filter is. By any chance, do any of you know the name and where I can find it? It's been killing me lmao

I found this picture with the filter off Instagram


  • image.jpeg
    152.7 KB · Views: 17
Luciano said:
@cas Thanks a lot man ! Does this only work on the computer or the App Store version ?
Only the computer, the app is for basic things that you could basically do on the iPhone's main camera.
cas said:
Only the computer, the app is for basic things that you could basically do on the iPhone's main camera.

@cas Ahhh okay, well thanks again. As far as you know that's the only way to access this filter, correct ?
Luciano said:
@cas Ahhh okay, well thanks again. As far as you know that's the only way to access this filter, correct ?
Yes and the best way. You can mess around with it and make it look smoother.
It's the Oil Paint filter. However on the computer you can purchase (or... obtain) the Topaz plugins, one of them being Topaz Clean 3. Topaz Clean 3 has features similar to Oil Paint but is much better overall.
The picture you linked also appears to have the High Pass filter on. I doubt there are any apps that can do this, or at least do a good job at this.
Commonly referred to as a "****** filter", you can achieve this look by using the Oil Paint tool featured in older Photoshop versions.
Bolt said:
Commonly referred to as a "****** filter", you can achieve this look by using the Oil Paint tool featured in older Photoshop versions.******filter