I agree that everyone is entitled to thier own opinion too @upperrush . He could have just told friends instead of putting it all over the media. He should have known that would cause problems.
The main problem was that the company nike promotes equality which means they accept everyone no matter what color, race, gender, age, sexual orientation or disability they are. For him to go up and say what he did, nike disapproved. That's why they cut ties with him. If he had went up and said badly about a race , religion or a disabled people, he would have still lost the contract. It wasn't just about homosexuality.
@samus he is well off but that issue will affect future employment as it will come up whenever he goes for interviews ect, same as when we go for them and if we were terrible at our last job, our previous manager can give us a bad review. Nike prob gave him one. . If he ever needed a new job ha ha
. He be screwed.