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  1. JWS

    FOOL Usergroup

    Good luck with this group fam. Really nice UB!
  2. JWS

    instagram follow bot

    @PanelSMM does 1k followers for $1.50.
  3. JWS


    RE: semi ig Not tryna sales trash but I don't think you'll get more than $3 for this and it doesn't help someone was selling this in a bundles for $7.
  4. JWS

    Social Medium Shop (Kiks, Instagrams, Twitters and Tumblrs) (Updated July 26th, 2016)

    RE: Social Medium Shop (Kiks, Instagrams, Twitters and Tumblrs) (Updated July 17th, 2016) BTC is Bitcoin ans BIN is buy it now. GLWS @gunnar
  5. JWS

    Verified accounts?

    Yeahh you can, you can't on twitter tho.
  6. JWS

    Need more 360 friends

    Yoo I play GTA 5 and COD quite a lot. I'll send you a request, my tag is jethro.
  7. JWS

    Random 4char ig @s

    You're not gonna get anything for these since you can still claim them.
  8. JWS

    Semi kiks and IGs

    You up for trades? Or are you just selling.
  9. JWS


    Ayy I'm registering now, good luck with the group g.
  10. JWS

    3 chars

    I'd say 10-15 but not many people are buying 3 chars since so many people are trying to sell them.
  11. JWS

    List of Shit For Sale

    Yeahh I don't think you'll get much for these.
  12. JWS


    Welcome to FK fam! Love your username, bronze is super sick.
  13. JWS

    4th of July Giveaway! (FREE Usergroup!)

    Yo I just woke up, when is this gonna end?
  14. JWS


    Damn that's a really sick UB, I don't think I'm HQ enough for the group but good luck anyway!!
  15. JWS

    4th of July Giveaway! (FREE Usergroup!)

    Lool yeah that would be soo funny haha but earlier on @Joker was check and @Blue was winning nearly every time lmao.
  16. JWS

    4th of July Giveaway! (FREE Usergroup!)

    Yeah like everyone else said thanks @Philly for this sick giveaway
  17. JWS

    4th of July Giveaway! (FREE Usergroup!)

    Nearly hit my goals for today :)
  18. JWS

    4th of July Giveaway! (FREE Usergroup!)

    Congrats on 950 fam! Hopefully you can hit 1k before this thread ends :)
  19. JWS

    4th of July Giveaway! (FREE Usergroup!)

    Ayy you hit 1.2k at the same time I hit 500 :)
  20. JWS

    4th of July Giveaway! (FREE Usergroup!)

    Yeah haha. I think this is my 500th post dude!!!