Search results

  1. Jethro

    making a snow fort.

    So today I woke up to about 2 an a half feet of snow, so I plan on making a snow fort that I can bake in. I will add pictures once I'm completed. Fyi: yes I am 18 an no I don't care what someone says, I'm making a snow fort.
  2. Jethro

    Your first car?

    My first car was a ten speed by schwinn, it ran like a champ til I got into a accident.
  3. Jethro

    What is a real gangster?

    I've done some pretty fucked up shit in my life that these rappers call themselves gangsters for doing, an I was doing the shit cause it's what I grew up around an there was nothing for me in life. There is no such thing as a gangster in my opinion, just people that do what they have to in order...
  4. Jethro

    How do you make money?

    We'll I used to sell pot, steal, an rob. Now I just make money by fixing furnaces.
  5. Jethro

    have you lost your virginity?

    I lost mine at 16 to some little sceney bopper, on her little sisters bed.
  6. Jethro

    First day working.

    I haven't had enough koins to change it yet lol.
  7. Jethro

    First day working.

    Today was my first day working with a heating an cooling company as a technician, made $80 for what was supposed to be a 5 hour job but only ended up a 2 hour day. The work was honestly not as hard as what I thought it was going to be an I have even more work Wednesday, an Thursday. So excited...
  8. Jethro

    Good GBA games?

    I'm very big into gameboy an was wondering what are some good games to get? I already have all the Pokemon an Zelda games but I'm sure there are a bunch of other really great games out. Any help would be appreciated please.
  9. Jethro

    Need bands!

    i I've heard of vultures an I've gotten to meet King810 a few times at the local shit they've done in Flint since that's where I lived before I moved. I actually got to go to the place they shot the devil room scene in Fat around the heart. It's an old abandoned Elementary school on the...
  10. Jethro

    melephunk's achievements

    Congratulations dood I hope to make some achievements of my own.
  11. Jethro

    Need bands!

    I'll list a few, Sworn In Rings of Saturn I wish we where robots Infant Annihilator make them suffer Oceans ate alaska
  12. Jethro

    Need bands!

    I need some good metal bands to look up, I'm looking for more local/unsigned bands. Anyone that can help we'll get a free nude of yours truly, an I may invite you to see my cave of Butt Plugs. :p
  13. Jethro

    Sick of this butt plug shit..

    We'll you take my debit card? If so I'll send it to you ASAP!
  14. Jethro

    Need good downhill bike.

    I'm very big into downhill riding an I need a new bike for downhill lines, I'm looking for a bike a bit on the cheap side but not so cheap that it'll bust my shit or the bike from 5 feet of air. Any help would be appreciated.
  15. Jethro

    Sick of this butt plug shit..

    I'm saying I feel I will never get the respect I want not why am I such a scrub an nobody respects me. I'm talking about in the future not at this moment cause I'm still a very new membe.
  16. Jethro

    This thread is dead af: What drugs do you prefer?

    Like @Smoker said, I've been doing soft for a few months but normally on the weekends. I've had no side effects from it, so yes in moderation it is a safe drug. [hr]
  17. Jethro

    Halloween plans?

    That sucks at least you'll be making money though.
  18. Jethro

    Halloween plans?

    Hello everyone i was just wondering what all of you FKers Halloween plans are for this year? Mine are to go trick or treating finally make some friends out in this godforsaken hellhole and try to get drunk.
  19. Jethro

    Sick of this butt plug shit..

    God sakes I cannot wait to have enough koins so I can change my username, Butt Plug sounded like a good idea at the time (probably cause I was high). Now I just want to change my damn name, cause I feel I'll never get respect with the name I carry right now on the site.
  20. Jethro


    Seems popular, I'm a nobody though. Probably gonna be know for calling myself Butt Plug.