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  1. Wailing was suffering from irritable bowel

    Pizzas, hamburgers, hot dogs and other kinds of junk food, sweets and, worse, food made for me when I was just learning to cook, as my diet for most of my college life. Because of it, now my life is unhappy and tortured by the celebrated Irritable Bowel Syndrome (yes, like Ben Stiller in the...
  2. Watch your children, avoid accidents

    The main recommendation from various authorities is extreme caution and keep tabs on children without leaving them alone for long periods. At present minor injuries resulting in scrapes, thoroughly wash with soap and running water and left exposed without putting band-aids, they unveiled the...
  3. Summer Nutrition: Vitamin C as a protagonist

    you are a fan of a glass of orange juice in the morning? Or would you rather eat an orange instead? Oranges are packed with vitamin C, a miracle vitamin that helps protect against immune system deficiencies and cardiovascular diseases. The recommended daily intake of 75 mg of vitamin C for...
  4. Juice to prevent cellulite

    Do you have cellulite? ... Do not worry, it is possible to prevent and combat it, well you're not the only one who suffers, women (90% worldwide) and men are affected by this problem and is not a condition only for obese people because even thinner can have it. If you want to prevent...
  5. Frutika natural juices

    Frutika natural juices also present at the Expo where visitors can go to taste the different flavors they have. Unlike other natural juices, natural juices Frutika produce the same plant and fresh fruit crop in 1,500 hectares of fruit plantations owned by the firm themselves in northern Itapúa...
  6. Roasted Salmon

    Makes 4 servings 1 / 2 kilo of fresh salmon, skinless, thinly sliced 1 / 2 cup soy sauce 2 tablespoons lemon juice 2 tablespoons orange juice 12 corn tortillas, in pictures Oil, for frying For the chipotle mayonnaise: 2 tablespoons chipotle chile, marinated 1 / 2 cup...
  7. Juice to prevent urinary tract infections

    The idea is to use fruits with high antioxidant content, while providing essential nutrients that help fight infection. Medical studies have shown that there are 3 fruits that help prevent urinary tract infections: Cherries: the compounds of this fruit will prevent the walls from sticking...
  8. The total consumption of soft drinks reached 1165 The nutritional benefits of green j

    Rest the digestive system. Sometimes the digestive struggle with the food we eat animal protein, processed foods, bread, pasta and junk food along with a variety of other things combine to make life difficult for our digestive system. Fruit juice gives your digestive system a rest and...
  9. Consumption of soft drinks increased by 3.9%

    The total consumption of soft drinks rose to 1,165 million liters in the first half of 2011, representing an increase of 3.9% over the same period of 2010. The president of the National Soft Drink Association, Diharasarri Francisco, said it is important to note that the rise was particularly...
  10. Crochet baby vest

    Materials Needed: 50 gr. Wool 100% super dralon baby layette, 1 button, steel needle No. 0000. Points Employees: P. Chain, P. Low, P. Alto. PERFORMANCE BACK: Tej. a cad. of 48 p. and tej. in p.fantasía (see chart). At 15.5 inches high close for armholes 4 p. and 2 p. on each side...
  11. My rug to crochet!

    measurements: 39 cm x 52 cm materials: 170 Grs wool thick semi sedificada divided into different colors, aluminum needle No. 3 1 / 2. points: P. Chain, P. Raso, P. Alto. Director: Tej. a cad. 4 p. and tej. according graphic why every h. a different color. Tej. 12 reasons in...
  12. Crochet flower

    materials: Remains of coarse linen or wool, 1 pearl, aluminum crochet needle No. 4 points: P. Chain, P. Raso, P. Low, Medium High P., P. Alto. FLOWER TOP Tej. a cad. 4 p. and close round with a p.r. tej inside the ring.: * 1 p.b., 10 .* cad, rep. from * to * 6 times. Then within...
  13. Creamed potatoes

    ingredients: 1 kg potatoes 1 cup heavy cream (250 cc) Black peppercorns nutmeg salt preparation: Cut potatoes into thin slices the same size. It is convenient then to cut the potatoes dry with a napkin or towel to cook better and not stick. Once cut, arrange them in a...
  14. Warm water with loneliness

    This research emerged when the researchers asked the help of 400 volunteers from 18 to 65 years of age to take note of the habits and feelings of a person taking a warm bath or cold, the researchers associated with the condition loneliness in each. Earlier studies conducted in Japan have...
  15. Weight Loss Tips

    A continuación algunos consejos fáciles para bajar de peso: 1) Tomar vitamina D.- De acuerdo al British Journal of Nutrition, las personas que presentan deficiencia en esta vitamina, pierden peso más lentamente. Tomar suplementos puede ayudar a que se reduzca el deseo de comer alimentos...
  16. Care Shampoo can cause weight gain

    All doctors and nutritionists agree that the key to preventing obesity is a balanced diet and exercise, but according to recent research, there are other things that also plays an important role, such as the use of beauty products. The results obtained by a team of researchers at Mount...
  17. Tasty meals reduce stress

    D write a given situation. You arrive home late after a miserable workday in which he hated, again, their work. Comes stressed and, despite his usual occupation is rather sedentary and does not consume many calories, prepare a nice dinner. But after a while can not remove the concerns of the...
  18. burgers and sausages

    I like the burgers will taste better than they are fried and have more greasers that the sausages are boiled
  19. dvds or cds

    what are the best quality for my dvds and they can carry more information and various types and formats
  20. how many books have you read

    I have read several of mystery, crime terrory but a few of the ones I like are those of romantic love as a whole