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  1. envy

    According to his definition envy is feeling sadness or regret for the well being.But why be envious? If each one has is because he made merits or not to have it
  2. the violence

    Because there is violence? If the world would be much better without violence and with more reason without wars between countries.I hope that the world changed for good and peace soon comes to every corner of our world Hermoza
  3. the happiness

    Is to be happy? from my point of view be happy is to find inner peace and learn to accept that the way to happiness is very tilted and full of obstacles
  4. good manners

    That happened with the good manners? is that this already is almost lost.A good example are the people in the bus do not respect the reserved seats.Does that us is happening? does anyone know the answer?
  5. the discrimination

    Because we discriminate so much? I hope that you have the answer, because I do not.But is the color of the skin is poor and so forth with an infinite number of things.A great desire that I have is that someday the world equal
  6. the alcohol

    It is necessary to have a good time? to my mind not because conosco people who consume alcoholic beverages term for throw away all their projects because of the alcohol.For this reason on my part advise them that they dominate the alcohol and the alcohol not dominate them.Best regards