Search results

  1. GT: Obtrude

    $208.00? Maybe $75.00 at most...
  2. Selling Gamertag | P*odle*

    RE: Selling Gamertag Poodles is no where near worth $130.00 fucking dollars.
  3. GT

    Like literally almost nothing it's a banned semi tag. I think the banned tag Oh went for like $60.00 a long time ago, this is nothing compared to that.
  4. Giveaway #2: [email protected]

    I'll take #1. Thanks.
  5. YT: Leader

    Why is the channel name complete in the title and in the thread it's blocked out to Le*d*r? Makes no sense anyway GLWS and shit.
  6. Phobia's 2 Char. Shop

    Could you PM me the tags? Thank you.
  7. No longer need this done!

    RE: Instagram - 8q for OG Youtube Don't use Instagram but I'd offer. Bitches start offering your slutty little OGs for this shiet.
  8. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years

    5 years, OD'd on swag cause yolo. 10 years, dead in the middle of a highway with a racoon eating out my nut sack.
  9. Ask #Nemesis!

    Do you enjoy giving head to arabian terrorists?
  10. Another Possible Youtube Jacking Method.

    If I may, PM me with the final vouch copy?
  11. Anyone here ever completed their 'alias'.

    For a while "Bloody" was my friends alias and he had everything complete I believe.
  12. Twitter [ @ASAP ] ~ $80 BIN

    RE: Twitter [ @ASAP ] I'd like to offer /Bassist, should be getting capped soon; original 2005, only 1 previous owner and OG passwords no longer work anymore as far as I know. Hit me up babe :P
  13. Twitter Accounts.

    You taking trades kiddo?
  14. Twitter: Sludge

    Twitter's not that bad good luck selling it mayne.
  15. Selling AIM [Nice OG]

    This bitch was passed around so bad there's no way in hell it'll get $50.00. And are you stupid? All you have to do is send an AOL reset password link to the email attached to your AIM as long as the email isnt errored and you can go first to whoever the fuck you want to and if they scam you hit...
  16. Thread closed

    RE: Shit this has to be a fucking joke LOL.
  17. Instagram @Old

    I think you'd be able to get $90.00 out of this bitch.
  18. Tumblr: Sieve

    Yeah I had to look up the definition on this shit it's apparently an element sifter or something anyway I don't think this will go for much at all like $5.00 is what I'd pay.
  19. Close

    RE: Twitter @Regret Sexy as fuck but I don't see this going for much more than $80.00 but that's just me.
  20. Gamertag Multistep

    Now adays? Shit, I guarantee you can get $15.00 for this.