Selling AIM [Nice OG]

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I am selling my AIM : Melt

Ill trade for gamertags, IGs, or anything you offer.

I am in no hurry to sell it ill wait until someone offers me what I want.

If you are interested in buying just AIM me or Post.
I will not go first!
Ill use a MM if he's trusted and you pay for it.

Definitely aint gon be $50lr dat fosho
You won't get $50 for this. I'd say you'll get at most $40. But since you're using LR, i'd say $35 at most.

Good luck.
More like a $30 dollar aim but it's nice either way.
lol I sold "CIA" for the same BIN, I don't think you will get $50 for this.
ok now you can stop bashing on him its just a bin cmon
Only reason you are not getting $50 LR is it's worth more than PP so you might be able to get $50 PP and you will not be going first people i reccomend using a MM he wants LR and not going first -_- just sounds fishy to me.
Kakashi said:
Only reason you are not getting $50 LR is it's worth more than PP so you might be able to get $50 PP and you will not be going first people i reccomend using a MM he wants LR and not going first -_- just sounds fishy to me.

LOL? MM fine, but why would I just give someone a AIM without getting paid first, impossible to get back.
Melt said:
LOL? MM fine, but why would I just give someone a AIM without getting paid first, impossible to get back.

Impossible to get LR back so i mean just stating pretty much hey niggas fuck y'all i'm in no way going first but you have to give me a non-disputable currency really the price is outrageous like i said $50PP is resonable but $50 LR? i doubt anyone will buy my man.
Melt said:
LOL? MM fine, but why would I just give someone a AIM without getting paid first, impossible to get back.

Are you kidding me? lol all you have to do is call aol to get it back..
Froze said:
Are you kidding me? lol all you have to do is call aol to get it back..

False, with aims you must have the og info or ALL info meaning non AOLd aim. Melt is not AOL'd. You got Riot cause of the AOL'd Billing info. It's near impossible to take back aims now.
This bitch was passed around so bad there's no way in hell it'll get $50.00. And are you stupid? All you have to do is send an AOL reset password link to the email attached to your AIM as long as the email isnt errored and you can go first to whoever the fuck you want to and if they scam you hit up that AOL reset password link you sent yourself and boot the kid off and change all the info. Simple.
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