Search results

  1. selling these gamertags

    How much for the cat? glws
  2. selling or trading

    Internet explorer, LOL
  3. Closed

    RE: GT - Methodists *Cheap with Proof* Nice tag, good luck selling bro!
  4. GT: E li (Sold)

    RE: GT: Eli Such a sick tag man GLWS!!
  5. Original/Semi Gamertags

    real sick tags bro, glws!
  6. Semi-OG / Cool Words GT's [4$ EACH!]

    Nice tags dude, GLWS!!!!!
  7. Looking for trades famous names. [oG]

    i have "Cheryl Tweedy" (Cheryl Cole before married to Ashley Cole)
  8. GT: Inputs

    RE: Semi GT: Inp**s Why are you not showing the tag? GLWS
  9. a couple semi og's {$1 each}

    Nice! And good price too! GLWS
  10. Selling 3 Maxed Mains ( Includes: MW3, BO, COD4, & WAW )

    RE: Selling 3 Mw3 Mains Excuse me if im being stupid but what is 20th prestige? I could have sworn it only goes to 15th lol. GLWS
  11. GT: Seminaries {$3}

    Pretty nice man. Good luck selling it :)