GT: Inputs


Active Member
selling this semi i just got guys
If you know what it is please dont say anything only serious buyers please and i will show the tag and for proof again im on my ipod so im unable so just hit me up on aim T.orment if your interested ill send a message or FR from the tag dont im me just to see the name only if your interested thank you.

Buyout: $40
RE: Semi GT: Inp**s

Why are you not showing the tag? GLWS
RE: Semi GT: Inp**s

Vouch for this guy just sold him this tag for $25 good luck with sales.
RE: Semi GT: Inp**s

Seb said:
Why are you not showing the tag? GLWS

For safety reasons so its completely safe for when the buyer buys it.
RE: Semi GT: Inp**s

if this is the tag im thinking of, then I don't think its worth 50$. Most likely 30$, but like I said, not to sure what tag it is, GLWS
RE: Semi GT: Inp**s

I know what the tag is, I just got a friend request from it the other day. Buyout is pretty high imo, if you actually plan on selling this take a good bid.
RE: Semi GT: Inp**s

Skunk said:
I know what the tag is, I just got a friend request from it the other day. Buyout is pretty high imo, if you actually plan on selling this take a good bid.

like i say buyout is just around the price im looking for
RE: Semi GT: Inp**s

The price is crazy for a plural tag. I'm surprised you even paid $25 for it.
And you do need to name the tag since you need full screenshot proof (and let's be honest, we all know what it is anyway).
Will close in the morning if there is still no proof.
RE: Semi GT: Inp**s

I'm pretty sure that everyone knows this tag already since it's been around here quite awhile trying to get sold but GLWS anyways
RE: Semi GT: Inp**s

I got have this guy on my FL, he has the tag, good luck selling :)
RE: Semi GT: Inp**s

Yeah highly doubt you'll get $60 for it and most ppl on here know what the tag is, but GLWS!
RE: Semi GT: Inp**s

Wikipedia said:
Yeah highly doubt you'll get $60 for it and most ppl on here know what the tag is, but GLWS!

ok like i said that around the price i want i can go lower jeez do you guys know what a buyout is holy tits
RE: Semi GT: Inp**s

Please post proof or this thread will be closed.
RE: Semi GT: Inp**s

This is worth 15$ at most. GLWS this tag
RE: Semi GT: Inp**s

Christy said:
Please post proof or this thread will be closed.

already showed phantom proof

Kill said:
This is worth 15$ at most. GLWS this tag

thats your biased opinion its short and common if you have knowledge