Meeting the requirements doesn't mean you get in, not fitting then doesn't mean you don't.
FOOL will remain exclusive yet open the door to members who are believed to be a fit. New or old, that isn't important.
free @skorp @astro
oh yeah you also aren't even supposed to remake this considering only Shawn was given actual permission to by the ACTUAL OWNER SOLAR
you will just invite randys and ruin the name
great job
i joined in 2015
does that count
theres gonna be that one kid who says 'hey this group looks HQ i would love to help :)'
more on-topic: I have experience
I helped run Studio on HF, been in various user groups and know what works.
damn nice shit
hopefully some non-loser picks it up
so if i was to buy and change to a group that already existed, i'd have to pay $50 extra? @Philly
to clarify; I would be rebranding this to a group that has ALREADY existed. You have the UB lying around. IS the $50 transfer fee still there?
I'm not a pussy to care about apples on a forum
im barely here because theres a thing called life
when you grow up maybe youll understand
why do you think i have so many negs here and hf? lmfao, moron.