FOOL Usergroup


Well-Known Member
Welcome to the FOOL usergroup.
This is a group about the most prestigious group on ForumKorner.
It has always been a very exclusive and high quality group and will stay that way.

All members of FOOL will receive this award, it will never be sold or given out to non-members.


[size=medium]@Rare (Leader)[/size]​

Be an active poster anywhere within the forum
Stay high quality throughout your posts
Don't be a faggot

Recruitment Status:

[size=medium]I may contact you privately about joining if the group thinks you are worthy.[/size]​
The group will never be sold.
FOOL will never sell buy-ins.
I would reply with my app but you'd say no, considering we did not let you in Harmony. Good luck with the group son.
@irc I will be thinking about letting you in, but you got yourself banned.
Rare said:
@irc I will be thinking about letting you in, but you got yourself banned.

maybe you should let me join this group.

I can be HQ at times

btw I'm not @hash
who the fuck let this goofy idiot remake something like FOOL

Best of luck to you with the group. Shouts out to @skorp, may he rest in piece.
you got like 12 minutes to let me in before I cry
oh yeah you also aren't even supposed to remake this considering only Shawn was given actual permission to by the ACTUAL OWNER SOLAR

you will just invite randys and ruin the name

great job
@package Shawn has a year ban and he already knows I took over FOOL, discuss this in PM's.
Rare said:
@package Shawn has a year ban and he already knows I took over FOOL, discuss this in PM's.

yeah he was talking to me on steam

no im gonna make my points here
I am currently the only member and I'm going to keep it how @Skorp and @solar had it.
Package said:
oh yeah you also aren't even supposed to remake this considering only Shawn was given actual permission to by the ACTUAL OWNER SOLAR

you will just invite randys and ruin the name

great job

And what will you do? Oh yeah, tell everyone in the group about your amazing sign up date and how you're the most superior in the group.
This group isn't bad I like the color style I hope you keep it exclusive and put the original members back in the group.
Not planning on adding anyone else unless I see applications I like. I'm going to add original members back if they want, unlike @package