Hi, my name is Nick. I can't differentiate between letters and numbers, much less understand this sentence without googling 'differentiate'. Did I mention I'm a fucking faggot?
Good luck, Slick Dick Nick the Thickest Sausage FAGGOT.
Would have to pay me a good amount to ever be known as that. Not going to lie. However, you likely told the wrong person about it or actually managed to be slower than a random claiming.
Clean, dark tag. Pretty fresh account. Had this for a bit now... Just ready to get rid of it for a decent offer.
Gamertag: A*********
Hit me up if you don't know the tag.
Exactly that. Yes. At least Leader aka Jason Jr out some minimal effort into it at first. Then it was useless once Solwhore picked it up. Good luck, I guess.
Don't be discouraged. It's not expected that your group not be shit on FK.
Of course people can still do this.... Hell, even the staff/Philly have still hit me up about shit. However, I don't go around acting like I care.. There's a difference.
the difference being in sexual preference*
I'm certainly not saying annoying kids shouldn't get...
What about moderators acting like staff? That's okay?
Seriously, you guys whine way too damn much. This is an internet forum filled with 14-20 y/o people, it's nothing serious. The site needs activity, encourage it rather than deter it all the time with whiny bullshit....
Get over it. Do you know how many people I let talk shit to me? Just sit em the fuck out verbally, rather than cry to them about it because they made a thread about you. You guys take this shit way too personally. Rather than delete and ban, hurt feelings and break spirits of the faggots...
That's why I said fortunately. Her friends took about 20 minutes after we got there, although we left from the same place about 10 minutes after them. I guess I drive slightly quick. Logic and G Eazy fucking killed it. Yo Gotti was... Yo Gotti... Yuck. Funny, my buddy actually instantly...
Good to see the group was finally allowed to be publically trashed, despite having been useless for about a year and a half now. Good luck, man. Shoutout to my thread in your subforum from years ago: RIP in peace, Immortals.
That means it's.... Not dead....
Just retards think theyre sitting on a gold mine right now. Rather than let them go for reasonable prices, they're scraping every cent they can out of them. Lmao.