Who turbo'd @entertain


Power member.
If the person who turbo'd it can hit me up id appreciate it!
jeez. is that a tag or what?
i don't think anyone would come up. i got mine turboed around last year but hope someone does come forth to you
Emoji said:
jeez. is that a tag or what?
i don't think anyone would come up. i got mine turboed around last year but hope someone does come forth to you

Oops sorry, its an instagram. And yeah its gotta be someone on here cause it was only posted on fk :p hopefully i get it back! Thanks though dude.
Emoji said:
jeez. is that a tag or what?
i don't think anyone would come up. i got mine turboed around last year but hope someone does come forth to you

If he put a @ than I'm guessing it's not a Gt, more like a Twitter or ig.
Still looking for the current owner of this i guess lol. hit me up!
damn bruh, this sucks.
had alot of niche potential !
WuTang said:
damn bruh, this sucks.
had alot of niche potential !

had* :( Spent $200 on that shiiiit and I'm pretty sure i know who turbod it which sucks cause i used to buy a ton of shit from this kid... Bought like 4 $200-$500 instagrams lmao and one of them i bought got turbod.
WuTang said:
damn bruh, this sucks.
had alot of niche potential !
I'd like to cumgratulate you on your outstanding ability to read post dates.  gg buddy