Definitely nothing close to what there was, thankfully. I've swapped a couple tags with no issues, and @tequila swaps 6 times a week so that his tags look uglier.
Good thing you were here to spell inquiry wrong and leave absolutely nothing beneficial. gg bud.
The dimensions are pretty often overlooked, hence why the bars so often look like shit.
You can also open it in a new tab and it will tell you the dimensions of the specified userbar. Ex...
That isn't the reason at all? Lol. Poop deleted all those posts as a moderator. Not to mention, the junk feature wasn't here yet and he perm deleted them. The junk feature just wasn't compatible when upgrading to the new version of MyBB. I believe Jimmy coded the previous one.
I pushed for this for 3 years... I don't think it's going to happen. Lol. It was removed, alongside neutral repil in early 2013 when the site got raped and everything was reset several times.
Same for me, but you don't see me denying I spend too much time on the internet? Are you insecure, babe? And do check the signature. No need to remind me.
Not really, although I don't remember ever having to enforce anything against it. Mind me asking how you recall Narc, when he has been gone since about 2014?
But nothing exciting really, he kinda got fucked in his situation, due to disagreements.
You're a 15 year old kid that sits on the internet all day. Cool it.
I'd die for my family, no doubt. Especially younger ones, as they have more to live for and achieve.