Turboing Question


Power member.
Are turbos still a thing for gamertags? I've heard rumors that Xbox stepped their shit up and made it so anyone turboing is banned. Is this true? Can anybody shed some knowledge?
I swapped 3 tags with no issues. I've heard of losers who add tags and watch the feed for them to change and claim but you would have to be hella slow to miss your shot at claiming.
I'm not sure if any turbos are up and running currently but I've heard rumors of some.
I think there are some ways to turbo but I'm not too sure pm me because I don't want skids trying to do this
Definitely nothing close to what there was, thankfully. I've swapped a couple tags with no issues, and @tequila swaps 6 times a week so that his tags look uglier.
Color said:
Definitely nothing close to what there was, thankfully.  I've swapped a couple tags with no issues, and @tequila swaps 6 times a week so that his tags look uglier.

Honestly Chad you need to shut the fuck up. and stop always mentioning me in irrelevant topics.
99.8% all faggots on fk posts are LQ. Thanks for understanding @Coltie2
Tequila said:
99.8% all faggots on fk posts are LQ. Thanks  for understanding @Coltie2
Actually that's not true.  99.7%, seeing as I make up nearly .3% of all posts.
Cam said:
This is a secret plot to make people swap tags so you dirty boys can turbo. I'm not falling for it! Kappa.
Fuck, I guess this wasn't a retard proof plan.
Didn't read all posts but turbos are gone but there's some shit ducks adding 1k tags and sitting on activity feed go private before you swap