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  1. Cann!bal

    Preachy Asshole Vegans

    "Humane" farming is not environmentally sustainable and humane murder is an oxymoron; it does not exist. Or you could just get it all from fruits, veggies, rice, beans, seeds, nuts, potatoes, etc. for even cheaper. McDonald's does not exist to satisfy our dietary needs. That's retarded as...
  2. Cann!bal

    Why I Dropped Out of High School

    Oh my god, are you really trying to strut me on a forum? You're illiterate as fuck not to mention, so I'm just gonna take that with a grain of salt.
  3. Cann!bal

    Preachy Asshole Vegans

    Thanks for providing sources to all those claims! It is very clear to us that veganism people's lives by years. A vegan diet does not make you malnourished, if anything an average...
  4. Cann!bal

    Why I Dropped Out of High School

    Holy shit. Fucking leave. What the fuck do you think you're accomplishing being a faggot on the internet? You are of no benefit to anyone, so do us all a favor and kill yourself, you slow mentally retarded fuck. Of course you're a faggot who thinks the destruction of our planet and the...
  5. Cann!bal

    Why I Dropped Out of High School

    Get the fuck off my thread, you stupid fucking faggot. All you do is make personal attacks and offer nothing to the conversation.
  6. Cann!bal

    Preachy Asshole Vegans

    "Are you seriously trying to dismiss documentaries that try to show you the other side on the basis of being one-sided? Geesh, dude. You're not getting it." Don't be a faggot. Address the substance of my arguments rather than ignore it if you're going to say anything at all.
  7. Cann!bal

    Preachy Asshole Vegans

    I'd like to see you address the core substance of my arguments rather than ignore it. Are you seriously trying to dismiss documentaries that try to show you the other side on the basis of being one-sided? Geesh, dude. You're not getting it. No vegan has ever forced anyone to be vegan...
  8. Cann!bal

    Preachy Asshole Vegans

    "Why do you have to be such a pretentious self-righteous asshole? Why don't you have to be so preachy and arrogant? Keep to yourself and don't force your beliefs down other people's throats. Blah blah blah." It goes something like that when vegans try to talk about veganism and it's...
  9. Cann!bal

    Why I Dropped Out of High School

    "I'm glad to say I feel extremely liberated. Anxiety is a rarity to me and I'm learning something worthwhile about every single day. I'm a totally different and better person, and I can attribute the most of that to dropping out. It was one of the best decisions I've ever made and I will never...
  10. Cann!bal

    44 percent of Republicans favor a Christian theocracy according to a new survey

    I personally don't think that's credible. I refuse to believe that many people think that. My bets on that they contorted the survey.
  11. Cann!bal

    Got some very bad news from the hospital

    That sucks, dude. Don't shy away from friends and family if you're feeling down. They want to help and be there for you.
  12. Cann!bal

    Going Vegan

    Congratulations on going vegan! Glad to see you take the initiative to reduce your carbon footprint in half and save thousands of animals from a fate in the animal agriculture business. I highly suggest you check out the movies in my signature to learn more about veganism. I promise they will...
  13. Cann!bal

    World Health Organization: "Meat Causes Cancer"

    Alright, sweet! Do keep me posted.
  14. Cann!bal

    World Health Organization: "Meat Causes Cancer"

    Well, I'll take your word for it - that sucks. But like I said, I'm confident your parents will help you go vegan if you make the ethical decision to become one. They aren't really just going to let you starve. You don't really even have to tell them if you feel like that's sincerely the best...
  15. Cann!bal

    World Health Organization: "Meat Causes Cancer"

    Appealing to tradition doesn't justify atrocities either. This is the same argument the slaveowner used, the sexist used and the racist used. It has no merits. I know you're Muslim, so I ask, do you believe in reunderstanding your religious text and adjusting for the status quo? Actually a...
  16. Cann!bal

    World Health Organization: "Meat Causes Cancer"

    That's awful to hear, dude. I hope your parents will be more understanding now if you decide to make the change. They might have had false notions that you needed meat to grow up healthy and strong which is a pretty rampant misconception.  Message me any time if you want to talk. I'm pretty...
  17. Cann!bal

    World Health Organization: "Meat Causes Cancer"

    Is that really your defense for destroying the planet and murdering animals? "I love keeping ******s as slaves so who cares lelel" "I love beating and degrading women so who cares lelel" "I love molesting children so who cares lelel" Do you understand now? Apathy does not justify atrocities.
  18. Cann!bal

    World Health Organization: "Meat Causes Cancer"

    Huh? How would it end up being as bad as the animals? It's not like the world's going to go vegan overnight. It took white people four hundred years to understand it's wrong to enslave black people, another hundred for black people to be equal legally and even today they are still discriminated...
  19. Cann!bal

    World Health Organization: "Meat Causes Cancer"

    Where did I state I don't care for them? Nowhere because that's not true. Where did you get that figure from? We've also been eating plant-based for thousands of years. Our closest ancestors are nearly entirely herbivores and we have no biological need for meat. We were gathers before we...
  20. Cann!bal

    World Health Organization: "Meat Causes Cancer"

    He provides sources to everything he says. You can't dismiss me because you don't like their site name - that's incredibly unfair. You're not addressing my argument. Do you honestly think there's a moral justification for destroying the planet and murdering billions of animals for an unhealthy...