Search results

  1. Who owns

    Instaswa* I wanna cop this asap

    PM me the tag please very interested
  3. Selling banned 3 letter

    I was cooking and omelette, chill
  4. Trading OG

    PM me what you have first, you know the price range
  5. Trading OG

    This is sick and is in fact OG, this is not a false OG thread. It's on a fresh with no console or billing PM me with what you lot have It's worth around 250-350
  6. Who owns this gamertag?

    Last time I saw this GT the same guy who owns the GT: Fang*rl owned it
  7. Looking for a 2 letter or 3 letter

    Looking for either one, I have an amazing trade or I can pay
  8. Need a 10$ xbl card

    My credit card is UK this is why I'm fucked:(
  9. Need a 10$ xbl card

    I have it in pounds and I need a $ code, if anyone is will to trade or lend me one I would appreciate it
  10. 5 year tenure | Halo 3 stats

    Can I bid 30$ on this please and PM me the GT please
  11. Selling kv!

    Your ripping the shit out of people and you tried scamming me smh, get out of FK Lil bitch
  12. 5 year tenure | Halo 3 stats

    Is the tenure modded or legit, thnxxx
  13. Selling banned 3 letter

    Most autistic kid on FK, when did I say I only had 1 3 letter, I was making a fair deal. I will be posting proof of u refusing to go first
  14. WTB 3 Letter Gamertag

    PM me the tag and how much u want for this
  15. Xbox live currency problem

    I think you have to move your account to another country on Xbox com not just change, but j can't find the feature:/
  16. Xbox live currency problem

    It is on United kingdom but the currency hasn't changed
  17. Xbox live currency problem

    When I go to buy something it's In dollars, I need it in pounds, any idea how to fix this?

    If I permanently set my preferences as offline on console. It will show offline on console still when I sign in on
  19. Selling banned 3 letter

    It is indeed 9999 pm me if interested

    Where does it say this? I can't find it:(