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  1. Selling 3letter tag & 10year

    GT: Els With 10year BIN: $75LR Without 10year BIN: $65LR MM WILL BE USED PROOF can be showed via friend request to a mod AIM: [email protected] AIM: Bootylolol
  2. Dope OG Tag for sale.

    Why the fuck would this be $300 is my question...
  3. Or trading four letter OG

    i dont understand lol whats the tag
  4. Gamertags like, "Freeze" and "Nebraska" - (Dead Tags)

    Whata re you talking about idc how it was spelled lol, Chaotic swapped the tag so it would get deleted then he got his tag back after awhile..
  5. Gamertags like, "Freeze" and "Nebraska" - (Dead Tags)

    You are wrong, Chaotic jacked it and swapped it and got it deleted cause there was a V1 then the V1 deleted and now he has his tag back. I am friends with Johnathon...
  6. Gamertags like, "Freeze" and "Nebraska" - (Dead Tags)

    I know what your saying, tags do get bought back. We both know that
  7. Gamertags like, "Freeze" and "Nebraska" - (Dead Tags)

    I am not sure if you are talking like you know things or what but tags come back all the time EX: Epic, RED, uno, (one letters). Idk who you are trying to fool talking like you know things... [hr] You know you are my boy and all but bro Savior had Mystery spaced out. IDC what anyone says. Here...
  8. Gamertags like, "Freeze" and "Nebraska" - (Dead Tags)

    Whoever told you deleted tags wont comeback that's a lie. They do come back. And NOBODY knows when a v1 will be deleted sorry to say...
  9. Who has stadium?

    Lol I had the tag "Booty" :p
  10. WTG : Doctors

    Oh stop :D how are you doing babe
  11. WTG : Doctors

    Colorz didn't do shit he is to much of a compulsive liar and a pussy to do anything he can't swat either. Fear ran him last month and Me and Drift just jacked his @gmail, @yahoo, @hotmail, GT "Hey CoLoRz" (acc is still locked), and his aim "[email protected]" all last week.
  12. Who Owns This Tag?

    Watch out everyone he knows the GT scene
  13. No longer avaialable

    RE: I R * N Do us all a favor and just /wrist
  14. Hello All

    Lol read bio for more details ;) UPDATE: Changed my GT to "Saint Ricky" <-- Just for now :D
  15. Looking to buy og gt

    Actually it was owned by Ricky and it is now deleted ;)
  16. Hello All

    Hey guys, I am a bit new to this forum thing ;) . I like to look at cool gamertags and meet some chill people to play xbox with. If you would like to know more hmu or read my bio on xbox my gamertag is (CoyPrism4924612). The bio says it all :D