Gamertags like, "Freeze" and "Nebraska" - (Dead Tags)

Vortex ム said:
I know it's ridiculous to believe but there's no proof of any deleted tags coming back that I've seen.

How not ? What more proof do you need ? Add Mystery LOL and Uno they both are back how is that not proof. I know for a fact Mystery was Erased and then savior got it back by it being randomly released , so you have no idea what you are talking about.
RespecT FeaR said:
How not ? What more proof do you need ? Add Mystery LOL and Uno they both are back how is that not proof. I know for a fact Mystery was Erased and then savior got it back so you have no idea what you are talking about.

Then I have not been paying much attention lately. My bad.
Vortex ム said:
They cannot. Once Microsoft FNC's or deletes an account with a specific gamertag, it is banished from the database and cannot be recycled.
I am not sure if you are talking like you know things or what but tags come back all the time EX: Epic, RED, uno, (one letters). Idk who you are trying to fool talking like you know things...

RespecT FeaR said:
Yeah well Mystery was erased / FNC and was remade a couple months ago so you sir are wrong.
EDIT: Same with Uno was jacked a long time ago erased and was released again.
Same with Fame they deleted it and the owner got it back a couple days ago so its not " Bansished "
You know you are my boy and all but bro Savior had Mystery spaced out. IDC what anyone says. Here is how some people and I know

Chaotic jacked "Mystery" and then a couple days later he went to swap it (there was no v1) and SOMEHOW the tag got "deleted" (so we thought) but in reality Savior turbo'd it spaced it out NOBODY knew this. Then he gets "Nerd" and sells it to Sean Taylor then 2days later SOMEHOW Savior has Mystery, come on dude think about that...
TheRealRicky said:
I am not sure if you are talking like you know things or what but tags come back all the time EX: Epic, RED, uno, (one letters). Idk who you are trying to fool talking like you know things...

You know you are my boy and all but bro Savior had Mystery spaced out. IDC what anyone says. Here is how some people and I know

Chaotic jacked "Mystery" and then a couple days later he went to swap it (there was no v1) and SOMEHOW the tag got "deleted" (so we thought) but in reality Savior turbo'd it spaced it out NOBODY knew this. Then he gets "Nerd" and sells it to Sean Taylor then 2days later SOMEHOW Savior has Mystery, come on dude think about that...

Well know one knows if he had it spaced out though and how do you explain Uno then. That tag for sure no one had it spaced out and it def was erased.

No one knows when a tag resets. They meet the criteria when they are inactive for 7 years, but that doesn't mean it instantly resets. They are reset by a computer, but not completely purged from the system instantly. It says the Gamertag isn't taken, but it's still "connected" to the microsoft servers such as their address, name etc. This is what is called "Limbo". The tag is reset but not purged from the system and available for use. Limbo can take x amount of years to get out of. So even if a tag resets, it's not instantly available for use. In TL;DR, no one knows when a tag will be reset, but you can guess when the tag meets the criteria to be reset. I remember some kids in the summer were trying to sell "tag reset dates". I believe it was Racks and i lol'd. Anyways, hope i helped.
F e a R said:
Well know one knows if he had it spaced out though and how do you explain Uno then. That tag for sure no one had it spaced out and it def was erased.
I know what your saying, tags do get bought back. We both know that
Does anyone know if they will have a whole new gamertag system on the 720? Or carry everything over?
Melt said:
Does anyone know if they will have a whole new gamertag system on the 720? Or carry everything over?

Nothing of that sort has been announced yet. Anyone says otherwise it is speculation/rumors.

TheRealRicky said:
I am not sure if you are talking like you know things or what but tags come back all the time EX: Epic, RED, uno, (one letters). Idk who you are trying to fool talking like you know things...

You know you are my boy and all but bro Savior had Mystery spaced out. IDC what anyone says. Here is how some people and I know

Chaotic jacked "Mystery" and then a couple days later he went to swap it (there was no v1) and SOMEHOW the tag got "deleted" (so we thought) but in reality Savior turbo'd it spaced it out NOBODY knew this. Then he gets "Nerd" and sells it to Sean Taylor then 2days later SOMEHOW Savior has Mystery, come on dude think about that...

Johnathon has always had that gamertag. It was never deleted except once, and that's because it was jacked and swapped with a spaced version. I forgot who jacked it but my friend who did it had called him after he swapped it and he said that Johnathon was screaming at him for doing it. It took John a long time to get his gamertag Red back.
Shadow said:
Nothing of that sort has been announced yet. Anyone says otherwise it is speculation/rumors.

Johnathon has always had that gamertag. It was never deleted except once, and that's because it was jacked and swapped with a spaced version. I forgot who jacked it but my friend who did it had called him after he swapped it and he said that Johnathon was screaming at him for doing it. It took John a long time to get his gamertag Red back.

You are wrong, Chaotic jacked it and swapped it and got it deleted cause there was a V1 then the V1 deleted and now he has his tag back. I am friends with Johnathon...
TheRealRicky said:
You are wrong, Chaotic jacked it and swapped it and got it deleted cause there was a V1 then the V1 deleted and now he has his tag back. I am friends with Johnathon...

The gamertag was never "RED". It was always Red. And Microsoft put Red back on his account for him lol.

Shadow said:
The gamertag was never "RED". It was always Red. And Microsoft put Red back on his account for him lol.

Whata re you talking about idc how it was spelled lol, Chaotic swapped the tag so it would get deleted then he got his tag back after awhile..
TheRealRicky said:
Whata re you talking about idc how it was spelled lol, Chaotic swapped the tag so it would get deleted then he got his tag back after awhile..

Ricky its pointless arguing with Shadow he thinks he knows everything.
TheRealRicky said:
Whata re you talking about idc how it was spelled lol, Chaotic swapped the tag so it would get deleted then he got his tag back after awhile..

That is exactly what i said the first time omg -_-