Search results

  1. 99 Hunter and WC

    nah chins don't get you banned anymore
  2. [REQ] Auto Hunter Pro

    Use any free script?
  3. Vissy on my birthday!!

    Thanks guys, and I wasn't botting so all good
  4. Vissy on my birthday!!

    Wooot! First one ever aswell!
  5. AutoSuperHeat Pro vs Fallen's SuperHeater

    fallen's is the best, getting 110k mage and 116k smith exp an hour
  6. AutoSuperHeaterPRO

    Use fallen's superheater much better and more stable script
  7. Small iDungeon Proggy

    will take you about 2 - 3 days for your rapier
  8. My best dungeon xp/hr

    its not hard just put bot to do medium on like floor 38 - 42 you get lots of exp.
  9. Well, This is Frost Dragons Now

    I'm glad this works , frost dragon bots ruin prices.
  10. My best dungeon xp/hr

    I got 40k an hour for about 3 hours. Lvel 82 dung.
  11. Ban Rate Thread

    Botted fishing for 24hours - rolled back
  12. Auth Dump!!!

    nearly all of them are free bots, only 2 real auths in there.
  13. Ban Rate Thread

    Botted 99 mining no ban Botted 99 agility no ban Botted zammy wine script - ban 14days
  14. Barrows Guide The Cheap Method [All Day Win]

    I use a method where I 1 prayer pot for every 3 trips for so, this is a pretty crap guide if you ask me. Also I would recommend wearing a ring of wealth instead of a ring of life considering it helps your loot alot.
  15. Which slayer bot is better?

    They are all the same
  16. AutoRuneCrafter [Req.] REAL THREAD

  17. Auth dump

    they do not work msgtoshort EDIT: sorry I thought you ment the message hider, the auths I ahve no idea if they work.
  18. Kindly requesting GDK/BDK Pro

    I can give him one if anyone has a working agility auth.
  19. [req] autoagility pro

    me too , exsept im 98 :/
  20. Request AutoFisher Pro

    I can give you one if you have an agility auth.