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  1. win 25k Nats

    RE: 10k Nats/Member I would like them cause I have 10k gold to superheat :D
  2. Free Auths

    auto agility please :LD
  3. fighter for agilty

    I will give a working autofighter auth or kminer auth to anyone that can give me an auto agility auth in return. Thanks
  4. Request free auths. I will deliver.

    agility please :D :D
  5. Safe to multilog ????????

    dude I run 2 to 3 accounts everyday on the same ip, been doing it since august. I have been rolled on my slave gold farming account which I botted for 50 hours straight and my main other accounts didn't get touched. Jagex won't ban cause who's say that your friend isn't playing a pc on the same...
  6. Starting to bot Mining

    i botted 1 - 99 mining, no ban. The riskiest pert is getting to level 80. Then its plain sailin'
  7. Auth Dump

    thanks was at 96 agility and needed auth <3
  8. Is CoD: Black Ops a good game?

    I hate it, the connection fails so I can't even play zombies with my friends and it constantly crashes and freezes on my amazing new computer.
  9. Portal

    It;s a really short game but defiantly worth every penny, unless you got it for free when steam was giving it away, is the best and one of the most funny games I have ever played.
  10. Got MW2 on Steam.

    Yeah I find MW2 more fun now that black ops is out seems to be less hackers, just make sure you stay out of the ground war lobby and you should be fine.
  11. Xbox controller :/

    You can't use the play and charge kit - you have to buy a wireless thing. It's annoying i know, I think you can use the playstation controller with the charge unit it comes with though.
  12. Your Record Suicide Times!

    I got 31 hours on a free mining bot , and didn't even get banned or rolled? gf jagex?
  13. Creating Bot

    Good luck, the easier you amke it to use, the more users you wil get.
  14. Free auths for everyone who can't join

    I don't want any auth codes atm , but I would like to give you + rep if possible, for doing this.
  15. [FREE] Dungeoneering, WCing, Hunter, Druid AUTH

    thanks, didn't use any
  16. Summoning question

    I find doing slayer is the quickest way to get charms
  17. [First post] Few Auths for you guys.

    thanks for this , auto agility is awesome!!