Search results

  1. I Got a Really bad Headache

    Go out and just breathe in fresh air, i've been having headaches for 2 years straight and i'm still not used to it, Have some water. now tablets don't work for me because i had too much to see if it would work :( and if its really bad just try and sleep it off even if you can't i had a really...
  2. Jagex's new bot detection system

    Every company does that saying they would find a way to cut down on hackers/botters but really it dosn't work. -and i just came back because i forgot about this website O_O-
  3. Hello all!

    I do both sketches on paper and drawings on the computer. and they aren't really that good so i dont like showing it to people thanks everybody :D
  4. What is Maplestory?

    After big bang patch leveling is hella lot easier thats why you see more high level people now days. I've played for 4 years aswell, All i do now is talk to people. It is not like nexon's other game mabinogi because with mabinogi you dont have to choose which class you want thats why i went to...
  5. Why did you join runegear?

    Because runescape was taken off HF i just had to come here and do SOMETHING because well... I waste my time doing nothing so i should be doing SOMETHING wait why is SOMETHING in caps?
  6. Hello all!

  7. Hello all!

    Hello all i am Anju i come from HF and i am restarting runescape again because all i do was merchant and since the trade thing is back im back in action ready to uh you know hehe :wink3: seriously idk but still time to play and hopefully sell some stufferz, But i doubt it. My name is caitlin or...
  8. How to get your favourite training spots with no one in them!

    I only used the other language worlds for the pking, But now after i read this time to train! :D
  9. Minecraft

    Ive played this game for 4 months and sometimes i get bored of it but every time i rejoin i have a better reason to play it. Looking at all those awesome buildings in pics makes me just want to make something better then it in single player. SO i have minecolony and im hoping to get something...