What is Maplestory?


I've never played it but I am thinking about playing it....

I don't really know what it's about though.
Is there pvp?
or just like trade and commerce and roleplay?
or what is this game all about?

Also is there first or third person gameplay?
or neither?

Is it worth playing?
I don't like it. I played for a few hours and gave up. Seemed more confusing then the usual MMO.

Also didn't like game features.
It looks like a cartoon or something like that. Thanks for the opinion.
If it's a shitty confusing game then I have most definitely lost interest already xD
I play it im just bored atm, I like it alot but thats me. My friend that doesnt like Computer games also enjoys to dabble around on Maplestory, Just give it a try.
I play it a lot. If you are interested I can show you a tutorial over teamvewer and explain everythin on msn. It is a 2D game that is very addicting. You choose your class and lvl up in your job. I for example am a hermit that is lvl 113 In bera let me know if you are I treated in playing
Techno said:
I play it a lot. If you are interested I can show you a tutorial over teamvewer and explain everythin on msn. It is a 2D game that is very addicting. You choose your class and lvl up in your job. I for example am a hermit that is lvl 113 In bera let me know if you are I treated in playing

Wow... that's a little to close to no life. D:
My highest is only a level31 assassin.

@OP - It's not a hard game.
I used to play it, well for me it gets very boring after a few hours.
Its up to you
Me and techno used to play it a lot, make a sin and find a way to get a lot of money the game is a blast.
I've played Maplestory for about 4years now. I recently quit due to lack of friends playing with you. In all honest opinion all I can tell you is that if you play with friends and your active. You'll get the most out of the game.

I'm thinking about holding a giveaway for my level 99Hermit in Windia soon, so stayed tuned :nice:
MapleStory was actually pretty fun back in the day. I played for a good three years on a span of three characters to about Lv.50+ each, focusing mainly on hanging with friends and making cash, I played in Khaini.
Eventually I found out about hacks and used them (wicked fun xD) and then the excitement died down.
Nexon eventually made the game too easy (it really is easy to level up now)
You level up, select a class, level up, power up skills, quest and party quest, become Lv.200 and realize you've spent a lot of time.
It doesn't have much a "mature" aspect, but that depends on who you're playing with.
The game is cartoonish but it is worth a shot if you haven't played it yet.
RuneScape is in fact, better, in my opinion, I enjoy it a lot more. :D
Provenance said:
Wow... that's a little to close to no life. D:
My highest is only a level31 assassin.

@OP - It's not a hard game.

After big bang patch leveling is hella lot easier thats why you see more high level people now days.
I've played for 4 years aswell, All i do now is talk to people.
It is not like nexon's other game mabinogi because with mabinogi you dont have to choose which class you want thats why i went to mabinogi instead of maplestory :D
Believe it or not, I actually started Maplestory before the 1st Anniversary :)
I got the pump basket, Independence hat, all those holidays stuff. But now they are sellable :(. I agree on Dreclin. I think they thing which tuned me out of Maplestory is the lack of friends which actually played, because in my opinion leveling is BORING! Nobody wants to grind that where Hacks and bots are invented :)
A lot of little kids play it in my school. Never botherd to check it out.
I quit before going to high school. It started to get boring and nobody bothered to play.. Maplestory was the new thing :)