Search results

  1. Best Cannon Training Location

    Cannon isn't even that good for range exp though
  2. Untrimmed Capes

    If you only have one 99 skill then that cape will not be trimmed
  3. Botting Proggies ~~ Post Your Proggies Here

    Haha. iDungeon is just so stable :) hardly ever crashes got me 99 dung
  4. Paid RS Money Making Guides

    Thanks for sharing. Although they are dated - still useful
  5. Runescape Theme Song on Guitar Hero

    Is this even official? Does it come with the actual game?
  6. finally got banned for botting.

    Mining has a high ban rate, unless at LRC which is a bit better.
  7. What have you bought with loyalty points?

    I have 4000 points, haven't bought anything yet. I think it's useless crap
  8. Mwahaha.

    Sell it now :) Instant $30 USD cash
  9. Gavin's Recovery progress

    Can't wait to see your progress - keep it up
  10. Holy Fucking Shit

    Great work! Hope you get to secure it
  11. How to buy and setup a VPS!

    Very nice guide - VPSInfinity is very good indeed. I used to use PhotonVPS though
  12. Post Your Runescape Memories

    I remembered when I used to play Gop. Legit
  13. Finally Maxed Combat....

    Very nice proggy - I might have to try out this bot!
  14. Invest your rsgp

    Highly unlikely that you will get it from someone, sorry mate ;(
  15. What has runescape come to?

    Yeah, I would say about half the RS population are not bots.