Search results

  1. Is ddosing fixed?

    And uh ... When you are fighting someone and you get dced, you will continue fighting. (You won't get kicked out)
  2. WARNING: Stupid glitches

    Lol ... Infinite looping :hurr:
  3. WARNING: Stupid glitches

    Eww Svew And there are like only two guys left in HaxUnit? Quint & Roy. But they're epic.
  4. WARNING: Stupid glitches

    Not saying don't leak useless bugs. I'm saying don't leak useful bugs.
  5. Muting whole worlds

    Nah not me. It's done simply by imputing a some kind of letter. This is the same as the 'μ' glitch where you could disconnect anyone thats near you by simply typing the 'μ' letter. And this is a Jagex fail and will be probably patched very soon.
  6. Muting whole worlds
  7. WARNING: Stupid glitches

    Interfaced & Useless. Don't leak glitches mate.
  8. k.

    l0l Hi Para :hurr:
  9. Svews bug abuse guide.

    What? And if anyone has bug abuse questions, post them here.
  10. How famous is the person above you?

    0/10 Just joined the site.
  11. Svews bug abuse guide.

    All the credits go to Svew & Kami ______________________________________________________________________ Svew's Bug Abuse Notes Version 1.3 -Added section on item smuggling and how-to smuggle barricades/bandages. Version 1.2 Notes: -Added Kami's Notes. -Updated bugs and added new...
  12. Team Fortress 2

    This can be the official TF2 thread. How long are you playing? Whats your fav. class? On what server(s) do you play? I'm playing for 2 months and my fav. class is The Spie and The Sniper ;) I'm on this server always : Name is Five.
  13. [TUT] Verify your PayPal in less than 10 Minutes! [TUT]

    Add a note saying that the account will get limited when you do this method.
  14. Wat iz dis

    Hello, my name is Five. I don't realy play Runescape actively. Registered here out of curiosity when i found out that Judgement was the owner. I have experience in Bug Abusing and some other stuff. ~ Five