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  1. Creating FREE Fake Programs

    I don't see why you're facepalming when I have no clue how to change an exe's code and I don't want to use [email protected] (figured it out by reflecting)
  2. Creating FREE Fake Programs

    Thanks! I just wish I could personalize it to my own emails
  3. Creating FREE Fake Programs

    Can I have a free fake bot? :) pick what kind idc
  4. So I created a Phish site like a month ago...

    How do you know which video is mine?
  5. So I created a Phish site like a month ago...

    I over exaggerated it felt like a month but was only like a week
  6. So I created a Phish site like a month ago...

    Takes patience my friend! :)
  7. So I created a Phish site like a month ago...

    I should have been more clear! I meant first hack with phish site lol! But that's the biggest one yet from any of my hacks!!
  8. So I created a Phish site like a month ago...

    I created it like a month ago and posted a youtube video for it saying i'm giving away wealth and that they just need to login to the site... the first and only log on the site I got this lol!!!
  9. Someone help me setup RAT

    I have dark comet and I have port forwarded... now what? The dude who was helping me was trying to RAT me himself lmao. If I was that dumb he would have gotten me. He sent me some file that wasn't from the website. He also asked me to restart my chrome, when I did so it asked to install some...
  10. After a dry period with my keylogger I got a little bit...

    Keyloggers are slow and I have been meaning to have someone teach me to RAT
  11. RS Hacking Group | #AntiDicing | #FuckDicers

    Hey i'm in the IRC but I can't talk
  12. <Help Comment and Thumps up> POST HERE YOUR LINKS

    I liked everyone's that posted! my name was RUNESCAPExRULE
  13. Someone be my mentor!

    I pm'd you
  14. Someone be my mentor!

    From the very beginning I don't even know where to start or what to do
  15. Someone be my mentor!

    I just need someone to help me on msn or skype or something
  16. Someone be my mentor!

    I have a phisher and a keylog but want to RAT because it looks the most profitable! I made a keylog and an edited vid that has got me like 5m in one day........ If anyone is willing to teach me post here. I will give you 50% of profits on the future RAT until i have mastered it. Please I know...
  17. Second Keylog of the day!!

    Its bank was shit.... its ftp and I just want it so i can stake because it has 99 str and my main only has 90 I wasn't able to get 99 because of the nuke
  18. Second Keylog of the day!!

    I hope I can keep this account! it has an email but no recov questions any advice on how to keep?
  19. First Keylog success?

    I used hypercam too, but it was a very subtle jump when I cut it only if you were looking for it you would notice the jump! I had to find a spot with very little moving objects and no npcs so it would be easier
  20. First Keylog success?

    what recording prgram are you using?