I want to join this !!!
What is your name? my name is Kevin . LOL
What is your runescape name? (can PM me if you like)PM
What is your MSN + Skype (can PM me if you like) PM
Are you familiar with using IRC? no i am not, but i m willing to learn!
Can you idle in the IRC and make videos (of hacking rs accounts) Yeaaah i have, youtube.
You MUST have #AntiDicing in the chat box when recording.
What forms of hacking have you done? (RAT, Keylogger, Phisher)
Can you DOX/Are you good at doxing? Yeeeaaa, i do it with friends.
How much GP have you hacked? (proof would be nice c
I have hacked around 30M. but i want to hack items such as phats, claws , mask...