Search results

  1. Selling OG BIN = 300$

    Denying a mm is like saying "I don't want a lawyer because I know I'm already going to be innocent." I advise caution whoever intends on buying.
  2. Selling / Trading ///////// CLOSED

    RE: Selling / Trading Sick Halo OG I bid $300. Gl everyone else. Serious bid. I think I know this tag, but I'm NOT* risking a hint at it and ruining this sales thread because I'm not a idiot...
  3. Buying unbanned tag for $300

    Lies? Sniper would sell for like $500 or that's what my lowest bid would be on it. 0.0
  4. Should I?

    Maximum, if you go to story and then gta online from there. It will restore your character, try it more than once. Hope this helped.
  5. Selling "N*thing" GameTag [BTC]

    Haha, tells OP just got shut down. Glad there are some people cleaning up the community.
  6. Warning for gamertags

    He can't reverse the a action anyways, I talked with a Microsoft enforcement member and he said there will never be a reset on gamertags as well as saying that Microsoft cannot reverse a ban once it has been placed. This member might have been hiding it, but if someone has proof of facts please...
  7. Wanting to buy a 2 character gamertag...

    Still wanting one of these bad boys if anyone has one Unspaced. Thanks :p
  8. Wanting to buy a 2 character gamertag...

    Yes, I put $800 for a two character WITHOUT spaces. For a second I was like ( Are they really that cheap o.0, I feel like an idiot. Haha.) thanks for all the input guys it helps. Still looking to buy one.
  9. Wanting to buy a 2 character gamertag...

    Ok, since everyone obliges I go lower, ill pay $400 for a two letter tag without any spaces. Anyone own one....?
  10. Wanting to buy a 2 character gamertag...

    If you know anyone who has one I'm offering $800 for a random combination to start off. Mm will be used.
  11. Finally selling my gamertag

    Please pm me, I'd like to know the tag.
  12. Semi og 1 day sale only!!!!!

    Is it just weightlift? Or are the stars really there? That could change prices a bit :p
  13. Semi og 1 day sale only!!!!!

    RE: Semi og!!! Eh, it's so hard to define semi's worth, i myself wouldnt classify these as semi's but thats just my opinion. glws though ^.^
  14. Closed

    RE: Selling 3 Letter If you still have this please pm me the tag :D
  15. Closed, Sold.

    RE: Selling Would you mind pm'ing me the tag if it doesn't get sold tonight? Don't bother pm'ing me before you sell it I want to make sure the tag stays secret :).
  16. (B) First Generation Pokemon OG's

    I've seen it for sale for a long time now, it's a very nice tag. However I'm looking to spend my money on something I really want. If anyone has a two letter I would buy one without hesitation, with a mm of course. But that's probably out of the question. Any first gen Pokemon will do as well...
  17. (B) First Generation Pokemon OG's

    Yeah, any kind of OG tag is fine. But it has to be a nice one, not a horrible semi or anything of the sort.
  18. (B) First Generation Pokemon OG's

    Yeah if you get Snorlax ill pay heavily for that. Still looking for tags btw.
  19. (B) First Generation Pokemon OG's

    Still looking for a tag guys, I have 1k(more if I can find a nice tag) and am looking for a super nice OG. Or a first generation tag. If anyone is planning on selling one contact me first Ill bid very generously on the 1st gen pkmn tags, and well on other OG's if I find them to my liking. Thanks...
  20. SOLD.

    RE: Selling an Excellent Secret Tag Pm me the tag, I've been looking for a good name for a while.