(B) First Generation Pokemon OG's


If anyone owns, knows, or has seen recently a first generation pokemon tag, let me know. I collect them and will pay very generously. If you know me, I only do deals with middlemen so scammers please don't even bother. Thanks -NF :)
If you want to find a pokémon tag contact the user Chill. He would be the best person to contact.
I'm sure that you've already seen it, but Hercules is selling a very nice tag.
I have sector; thanks for the heads up. I'm still looking for others though. I guess I'm a collector when it comes to 1st gen tags. :)
Still looking for a tag guys, I have 1k(more if I can find a nice tag) and am looking for a super nice OG. Or a first generation tag. If anyone is planning on selling one contact me first Ill bid very generously on the 1st gen pkmn tags, and well on other OG's if I find them to my liking. Thanks again guys :p.
Adorable said:
Are you just interested in Pokemon tags?
Or other types of OGs as well?

Yeah, any kind of OG tag is fine. But it has to be a nice one, not a horrible semi or anything of the sort.
Prepare said:
I saw someone selling the GT "Pu*e". I'm not sure if you've seen it already.

I've seen it for sale for a long time now, it's a very nice tag. However I'm looking to spend my money on something I really want. If anyone has a two letter I would buy one without hesitation, with a mm of course. But that's probably out of the question. Any first gen Pokemon will do as well. Spread the word if you know anyone with one for sale, we can negotiate a good price.

Still looking for a good tag T.T