Search results

  1. My Tag Shop! :)

    Aright, I cant pay more than that right now. GLWS
  2. My Tag Shop! :)

    I'll bid $20 for Scrunchy.
  3. Price for Element

    Its a really nice tag in my opinion. I am by no means an OG expert but personally I would defintely pay $100+ for this tag.
  4. GT: Dissolve

    Really nice tag. I'll bid $40.
  5. [Updated] Selling OG GTs!

    RE: Kappa's GT Shop! Is Desserts on a fresh silver? If so I'll bid $35
  6. [Updated] Selling OG GTs!

    RE: Kappa's GT Shop! Then I will bid $27 for Desserts
  7. [Updated] Selling OG GTs!

    RE: Kappa's GT Shop! I will bid $25 for Desserts
  8. FREE.

    Thank you for doing this. Its extremely generous. It seems unfair for you to be giving this away and getting nothing in return.
  9. FREE.

    I'll buy Toy Soldier, I really like it.
  10. FREE.

    RE: All. Do you still have Toy Soldier?
  11. GT: 'Factory'

    I really want this tag. I'll bid $80.
  12. GT: 'Factory'

    I will go up to $70 if we use a trusted middleman.
  13. GT: 'Factory'

    I will raise my bid to $60.
  14. GT: 'Factory'

    I'll bid $50 if your still selling this
  15. Trademark SOlD

    RE: Trademark Very nice tag. I'll bid $45. GLWS
  16. Slipped

    I'll start by bidding $10
  17. Icicles

    Really nice tag. Wish I had something to trade. GLWS
  18. GT: Inputs

    I will buy this tag for $25
  19. GT: Synopsis

    Please do not deal with this user. He stole this account from me.
  20. Looking for a oG Youtube Channel

    I'm pretty sure the guy selling BY, I think his name is Got Milk?, is selling the YT Toxic