GT: Dissolve



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I will buy it for 12 dollars paypal
and 2 Gamertags
Disactivated-2 year tenture and Gold on it
Ill buy for $25 yoo
I'll buy this right now for $23 and ill also give you a decent og or 2. Let me know if you like this offer, im really in need of an og!!
Nice tag, Should Sell fast!

If you actually have this tag i will buy it from you right now. Let me know.
am willing to trade my tenure acc for this tag its a legit 8 year message me back ;)
Nice tag dude, one of the good ones that's actually for sale right now. GLWS!
I would also like to know the buyout.. AIM: Swishurrr
my aim is so OG... damn
ill trade you a tag.
AIM: B.ase
Yo do you have aim? If so let me know what it is. I'm really interested.
Hi. I have never bought an OG but i really want to. I have a $50 visa giftcard (pretty much debit card) and i would like to buy your GT: Dissolve. If you know how we can work this out email me at ... [email protected] or on xbox my gt is...fr0shy
Hi. I have never bought an OG but i really want to. I have a $50 visa giftcard (pretty much debit card) and i would like to buy your GT: Dissolve. If you know how we can work this out email me at ... [email protected] or on xbox my gt is...fr0shy