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  1. 2 letter/2character gamertag

    NI has no WLID...... KO im not even sure. and OZ is a random.
  2. 2 letter/2character gamertag

    Only unbanned 2 letters, are Hx, BY, and Yu... Rest are reset, banned or MS Employee.
  3. GT: Province

    What is your aim. I have something you might be interested in :)
  4. Hmu with Celeb Tag, Sports Athletes , Olympics Players

    Hence why I said "what I remembered" obviously I remembered wrong. Still, hes pretty known.
  5. Hmu with Celeb Tag, Sports Athletes , Olympics Players

    Sorry, just based it off what I remembered on the London 2012 standings board
  6. Hmu with Celeb Tag, Sports Athletes , Olympics Players

    I have Michael Phelps. USA Gold Medallist, Swimmer. Won 20 Olympic medals. 16 Gold, 2 bronze 2 silver :)
  7. GT: Province

    If we trade are you gonna be tagswitching bro?
  8. GT Checker

    I have the details to this account, so everyone stop bidding. I bought it already. But the details do not work..
  9. GT Checker

    Wanna see proof Poop? Please add me on AIM I'll show you what happens.
  10. GT Checker

    Okay then I won't tagswitch, but I'll still buy it KATY REPLY ON AIM DOOD
  11. GT Checker

    Get on AIM. 100$ for this right now :) & Is It Tag-switchable.
  12. GT Checker

    How much for it I'll buy it right now :) Add me on AIM - PirilloHF
  13. GT ; Influence [LR]

    Hey Poop @ all of you retards. I'm not going first to a bunch of kids with 100 rep thinking their Jesus.
  14. GT ; Influence [LR]

    Sorry, sold around 5 tags on other forums. Every single time I sold paypal = Dispute. Can't deal with it bud.
  15. GT ; Influence [LR]

    Alright, hit me up. Keep in mind, LR only please.
  16. GT ; Influence [LR]

    It's only a buy-out ^ & Its probably negotiatable. Message me on AIM with your trade, or PM me please.
  17. GT ; Influence [LR]

    GT : Influence Proof : Starting Bid : $65 BIN : $100 This account has been mine for around a month now, my little brother is the one always using it so I might as well sell it. AIM : PirilloHF